demoscene, photography, furry art and of course bunnies.
Years ago I drew quite a bit more than I do now and drew stuff that I was quite embarrassed or shy about. I stopped drawing because I couldn't find the courage to release them due to the fear of being labeled and shamed upon, and being hyper critical of my own art. I literally destroyed my own art right after drawing them, e.g. crumpling a piece of paper that had something I drew that I wasn't happy or someone else wouldn't be happy about, this felt like the right thing to do. Be for being badly drawn, a bad badly executed idea or something I didn't want to express to others, due to fears of judgement.
Recently talking with others I've come to the conclusion that one should release art regardless what others may think, that doesn't mean you release everything but release those those pieces that get more things right, than wrong. We should create a culture that cheers the good things and doesn't shame the mistakes you've made, we should still talk about them too; in constructive way. Now obviously we can't do be constructive everyday so "nice", "eh, ok" should be also welcome.
Your past art will be a reminder that you have progressed, the mistakes in your art from before emphesize the improvement you'll have today and tomorrow. Nobody is naturally great at something, and we should acclaim mistakes because they show that you've worked hard to achieve the good things. This doesn't mean one shouldn't learn from mistakes, nor that a mistake will miraculously disappear by knowing it's a thing.